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Curious about how many hands you can expect to play in an hour of poker? Whether you’re a fan of live games or prefer the convenience of online play, the number of hands you can participate in can vary.

In this article, we’ll explore the factors that influence hands per hour in both live and online poker, as well as strategies to maximize your gameplay.

So, let’s dive in and discover just how many hands you can expect to play!

Introduction to Poker Hands per Hour

So, you want to know about poker hands per hour?

Well, hands per hour is an important concept in poker as it determines the speed and pace of the game. Understanding how many hands you can expect to play per hour, whether in live or online poker, can greatly impact your strategy and decision-making.

Let’s dive into the points and gain a better understanding of this crucial aspect of the game.

Brief Overview of Poker

In poker, it’s important to understand the factors that can affect hands per hour. These factors include VPIP, different poker networks, table size, and game type. Here are four key points to consider:

  1. VPIP (Voluntarily Put In Pot) affects the hands per hour. Higher VPIP leads to slower gameplay.

  2. Different online poker networks have varying hands per hour statistics.

  3. Hands per hour can differ between 6-max and 9-max tables.

  4. Fast-fold games like Zoom, Zone, or Snap have a higher hands per hour compared to regular online games.

Importance of Understanding Hands per Hour in Poker

Understanding the dynamics of hands per hour in poker can greatly impact your strategy and increase your chances of success. By knowing the factors that affect hands per hour, such as VPIP, table size, game type, and stakes, you can make informed decisions at the table. To help you visualize the differences in hands per hour on different poker networks, here’s a comparison table:

Poker Network 6-max Games 9-max Games
Bovada/Ignition 68 hands 55 hands
Winning Poker Network 77 hands 62 hands

As you can see, the Winning Poker Network has a higher hands per hour compared to Bovada/Ignition. Additionally, playing more tables and mass multi-tabling can significantly increase hands per hour. However, it’s important to note that live poker games have a lower hands per hour compared to online games, typically ranging from 20 to 30 hands. Consider these factors when developing your poker strategy to maximize your efficiency and chances of winning.

Live Poker Hands per Hour

In live poker, the number of hands per hour tends to be lower compared to online games. You can expect an average of 20 to 30 hands per hour in live games.

This slower pace requires patience and mental toughness, but it also allows for more time to analyze your opponents and make strategic decisions.

Understanding Live Poker

Live poker games typically have a slower pace compared to online games, with an average of 20 to 30 hands per hour. This slower pace is influenced by several factors:

  1. Full ring games: In live poker, full ring games with more players tend to play slower than 6-max games due to the increased number of players and passive gameplay.

  2. Dealer shuffling and dealing time: The time taken by the dealer to shuffle and deal the cards also contributes to the slower pace of live games.

  3. Patience and mental toughness: Due to the slower gameplay, live grinders need to have patience and mental toughness to navigate through the hands.

  4. Gameflow considerations: In live games, players have more time to observe their opponents and make strategic decisions based on their observations, which can slow down the game.

Overall, live poker games offer a more leisurely and thoughtful playing experience compared to the faster-paced online games.

Factors Affecting the Number of Hands in Live Poker

When playing live poker, there are several factors that can affect the number of hands you’ll see per hour. The number of players at the table is one of the main factors, as more players means more time for each hand to be played out.

The speed at which the dealer shuffles and deals the cards also plays a role, as a slower dealer will naturally result in fewer hands per hour. Additionally, the complexity of the game being played can impact the pace, as more intricate games may require more time for players to make decisions.

Number of Players

Playing at a 6-max table will generally result in a higher hands per hour compared to a 9-max table. Here are four reasons why:

  1. Less waiting time: With fewer players, there’s less time spent waiting for others to make their decisions.

  2. More action: The increased aggression and shorter-handed dynamics at a 6-max table lead to more hands being played.

  3. Quicker decision-making: With fewer players, decisions can be made faster, leading to a higher hands per hour.

  4. Increased profitability: The higher hands per hour at a 6-max table means more opportunities to make profitable decisions and increase your winnings.

Dealer Speed

Now let’s talk about dealer speed.

When it comes to the number of hands per hour in poker, the speed at which the dealer shuffles and deals the cards can have an impact.

A faster dealer can help increase the hands per hour, allowing for more action and gameplay.

On the other hand, a slower dealer may result in a lower number of hands per hour, requiring more patience from players.

Complexity of the Game

You should be aware that the complexity of the game can impact the speed at which hands are played.

Here are four ways in which the complexity of the game affects the hands per hour in poker:

  1. Complicated rules and strategies can slow down the gameplay as players take more time to make decisions.

  2. Games with multiple betting rounds and more players involved tend to take longer to complete a hand.

  3. The presence of advanced techniques like bluffing and hand reading can lead to more cautious and time-consuming gameplay.

  4. Tournaments with increasing blinds and antes require players to make more strategic decisions, resulting in slower hands per hour.

Average Number of Hands per Hour in Live Poker

In live poker games, the average number of hands per hour typically ranges from 20 to 30. This slower pace compared to online games is due to various factors.

Firstly, full ring games with more players tend to play slower than 6-max games. Additionally, the dealer’s shuffling and dealing time contribute to the overall slower gameplay. As a result, live grinders need to have patience and mental toughness.

It’s important to remember that live poker is a different beast altogether, and you must adapt your strategy accordingly. While online players may be used to playing hundreds of hands per hour, in live games, you’ve more time to observe your opponents and make more calculated decisions.

Online Poker Hands per Hour

In online poker, you can expect a higher number of hands per hour compared to live games.

The fast-paced nature of online play allows for quicker decisions and faster gameplay.

This increased speed can lead to more action and opportunities to win, but it also requires a heightened level of focus and adaptability.

Understanding Online Poker

Online poker offers a variety of game options, such as fast-fold games and different poker networks, each with their own hands per hour statistics.

Here are four factors that affect the hands per hour in online poker:

  1. VPIP (Voluntarily Put In Pot) affects the hands per hour, as higher VPIP leads to slower gameplay.

  2. Different online poker networks have varying hands per hour statistics.

  3. Hands per hour can differ between 6-max and 9-max tables.

  4. Fast-fold games like Zoom, Zone, or Snap have a higher hands per hour compared to regular online games.

Understanding these factors can help you choose the right game and network to maximize your hands per hour and enhance your online poker experience.

Factors Affecting the Number of Hands in Online Poker

Factors affecting the number of hands in online poker depend on various factors.

The speed of your internet connection plays a significant role in determining how many hands you can play per hour.

Additionally, multi-tabling, where you play multiple tables simultaneously, can increase the number of hands you can play.

Lastly, the use of poker software can help automate certain actions, allowing you to play more hands efficiently.

Speed of the Internet Connection

To ensure a smooth and uninterrupted online poker experience, make sure your internet connection is fast and reliable.

Here are four reasons why your internet speed is crucial:

  1. A fast connection helps minimize lag and delays, allowing for quicker decision-making and gameplay.

  2. Reliable internet prevents disconnections and ensures you don’t miss out on any hands or opportunities.

  3. Slow internet can lead to frustration and affect your focus and decision-making abilities.

  4. A stable connection is essential for participating in multi-table tournaments and playing multiple tables simultaneously.


If you want to increase your efficiency and maximize your potential in playing multiple tables at once, multi-tabling is a strategy worth considering. By playing multiple tables simultaneously, you can increase the number of hands you play per hour. This allows you to gain more experience, make quicker decisions, and potentially increase your profits.

However, multi-tabling requires focus, quick thinking, and the ability to manage your time effectively. It’s important to start with a manageable number of tables and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.

Use of Poker Software

Using poker software can provide you with valuable data and insights to improve your gameplay and increase your chances of winning.

1) Tracking your stats allows you to identify patterns and weaknesses in your play.

2) Analyzing hand histories can help you make better decisions in future hands.

3) Utilizing HUDs (Heads-Up Displays) gives you real-time information on your opponents’ tendencies.

4) Studying solvers can help you understand optimal strategies and exploit your opponents’ mistakes.

Average Number of Hands per Hour in Online Poker

In online poker, you can expect an average of 68 hands per hour in 6-max games and 55 hands per hour in 9-max games on Bovada/Ignition. These numbers may vary depending on factors such as the VPIP (Voluntarily Put In Pot) of players, the type of game being played, and the stakes involved.

It’s important to note that fast-fold games like Zoom, Zone, or Snap generally have a higher hands per hour compared to regular online games. On the other hand, live poker games typically have a lower hands per hour compared to online games, ranging from 20 to 30 hands per hour.

Full ring games also tend to play slower than 6-max games due to more players and passive gameplay.

Live Poker vs. Online Poker: A Comparative Analysis

When it comes to comparing live poker and online poker, there are a few key factors to consider.

The speed and efficiency of online poker allows for a higher hands per hour, while live poker offers more player interaction and the ability to pick up on physical tells.

Additionally, online poker offers convenience and accessibility, allowing you to play from the comfort of your own home.

Speed and Efficiency

To maximize your hands per hour in online poker, focus on playing fast-fold games like Zoom, Zone, or Snap, as they offer a higher number of hands compared to regular online games.

Here are some strategies and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Aggressive table selection: Choose tables with players who are more likely to play a lot of hands, as this can increase the overall hands per hour.

  2. Game selection: Opt for games that have a higher average hands per hour, such as those on Winning Poker Network, to maximize your playing time.

  3. Mass multi-tabling: Playing multiple tables simultaneously can significantly increase your hands per hour, but be mindful of time banking and its impact on game speed.

  4. Fast-fold poker strategy: Keep in mind that fast-fold games require a different strategy and eliminate gameflow considerations, so adjust your approach accordingly.

Player Interaction and Tells

Pay attention to the way other players interact and their physical tells, as these can provide valuable information about their hand strength and intentions. By observing their behavior, you can gain insights into their decision-making process and potentially make more informed decisions yourself. Some common tells to watch for include nervous movements, such as fidgeting or avoiding eye contact, which may indicate a weak hand. On the other hand, confident and relaxed body language could suggest a strong hand. Additionally, pay attention to how quickly or slowly players act, as this can also reveal their level of confidence or uncertainty. Remember, studying and analyzing your opponents’ behavior can give you an edge in the game and help you make better strategic choices.

Tell Meaning Example
Nervous Movements Weak hand Fidgeting, avoiding eye contact
Confident Body Language Strong hand Relaxed posture, steady gaze
Slow Decision-Making Uncertainty Pausing for a long time before acting
Quick Decision-Making Confidence Acting without hesitation
Verbal Cues Emotional state Tone of voice, choice of words

Convenience and Accessibility

Convenience and accessibility are key factors in today’s poker landscape. Here are four ways they play a significant role in your poker experience:

  1. Online platforms: Playing poker online allows you to enjoy the game from the comfort of your own home. No need to travel to a casino or find a local poker game. With just a few clicks, you can access a wide variety of games and tournaments anytime, anywhere.

  2. Mobile apps: The rise of mobile poker apps has made it even more convenient to play on the go. Whether you’re commuting, waiting in line, or simply relaxing at home, you can now have a poker table in your pocket.

  3. Game variety: Online platforms offer a wide range of poker variations, from Texas Hold’em to Omaha and more. This means you can easily find a game that suits your preferences and skill level, ensuring a more enjoyable and personalized experience.

  4. Accessibility for beginners: Online poker platforms often provide resources and tutorials for beginners, making it easier for new players to learn the game. This accessibility allows beginners to gain experience and improve their skills without feeling intimidated.

Overall, convenience and accessibility have revolutionized the poker industry, making it more accessible and enjoyable for players of all levels.

Strategies to Increase Hands per Hour

If you’re looking to increase hands per hour in poker, there are a few strategies you can employ.

First, in live poker games, you can try to improve the speed of the dealer by providing clear and concise instructions.

In online poker, multi-tabling can be a great way to play more hands simultaneously and increase your hands per hour.

Lastly, utilizing poker software can help streamline your decision-making process and improve overall efficiency.

Improving Dealer Speed in Live Poker

To improve dealer speed in live poker, you can encourage the dealers to shuffle and deal the cards more efficiently. Here are four tips to help them speed up the game:

  1. Train dealers in efficient shuffling techniques: Dealers should be trained to shuffle the cards quickly and smoothly, minimizing any unnecessary delays.

  2. Implement a clear and concise dealing process: Dealers should have a set routine for dealing the cards, ensuring that each hand is dealt swiftly and accurately.

  3. Encourage dealers to be proactive: Dealers should anticipate the action at the table and be ready to act promptly, reducing any downtime between hands.

  4. Provide feedback and support: Regularly evaluate the dealers’ performance and provide constructive feedback to help them improve their speed and efficiency.

Utilizing Multi-tabling in Online Poker

When playing online, you can increase your efficiency and maximize your potential winnings by utilizing multi-tabling. Multi-tabling refers to playing multiple online poker tables simultaneously. By doing so, you can increase the number of hands you play per hour, allowing you to make more decisions and potentially earn more money.

Multi-tabling requires good time management and the ability to quickly switch between tables. It’s important to choose the right number of tables that you can comfortably handle without sacrificing the quality of your play. By multi-tabling, you can take advantage of favorable situations on different tables and increase your overall win rate.

However, it’s crucial to maintain focus and not get overwhelmed by the increased action. With practice and proper strategy, multi-tabling can be a highly effective way to improve your online poker performance.

Using Poker Software for Efficiency

You can enhance your efficiency and streamline your gameplay by utilizing poker software. Here are four ways in which poker software can help you improve your performance:

  1. Hand History Tracking: Poker software allows you to track and analyze your hand history, giving you valuable insights into your gameplay. You can review your decisions, identify patterns, and make adjustments to your strategy accordingly.

  2. Odds Calculators: Poker software provides you with real-time odds calculations, helping you make informed decisions during gameplay. You can quickly calculate your chances of winning a hand and adjust your betting accordingly.

  3. Range Analysis: With poker software, you can analyze your opponents’ hand ranges and make better decisions based on this information. This helps you in identifying potential bluffs and making more accurate reads.

  4. Table Selection: Poker software provides you with data on player statistics, allowing you to choose the most profitable tables to play on. You can identify weaker opponents, avoid strong players, and maximize your win rate.


In conclusion, understanding the factors that affect hands per hour in poker is essential for maximizing your gameplay.

By considering variables such as VPIP, table type, network, and stakes, you can strategically choose the most efficient games.

Recap of Key Points

To recap, online poker games generally have a higher hands per hour compared to live games, with fast-fold games having the highest hands per hour statistics.

Here are four key factors that affect hands per hour in poker:

  1. VPIP (Voluntarily Put In Pot): Higher VPIP leads to slower gameplay, reducing the number of hands played per hour.

  2. Different online poker networks: Each network has varying hands per hour statistics, so it’s important to consider which network you choose to play on.

  3. Table size: Hands per hour can differ between 6-max and 9-max tables, with 6-max games typically having a higher hands per hour.

  4. Game type: Fast-fold games like Zoom, Zone, or Snap offer the highest hands per hour compared to regular online games.

Considering these factors will help you understand and optimize your hands per hour in poker.

Final Thoughts on Poker Hands per Hour

Recapping the key points, it’s important to consider factors like VPIP, online networks, table size, and game type in order to optimize your hands per hour in poker.

By understanding your VPIP, you can gauge how it affects the pace of the game.

Different online poker networks have varying hands per hour statistics, so choose the network that suits your preferences.

The table size also plays a role, with 6-max games generally having a higher hands per hour compared to 9-max games.

Additionally, fast-fold games like Zoom or Snap offer a higher hands per hour compared to regular online games.

Keep in mind that live poker games usually have a lower hands per hour, ranging from 20 to 30.

Consider these factors when strategizing to maximize your hands per hour in poker.